Columbia Aircraft Sales, Inc. Now Offers Contactless Showings

(Groton, CT – June 19, 2020) We realize that minimizing exposure to COVID-19 is a real concern for many of our customers. In response, Columbia is now offering contactless showings of both new and pre-owned aircraft at our Groton, CT (KGON) location.
Contactless showings are by appointment only and are designed to ensure that you have a safe and private opportunity to learn about the aircraft we offer.
The aircraft you have asked to view will be cordoned off in a controlled access hangar after having its interior surfaces sanitized. Masks, gloves and hand sanitizer are provided, and non-essential employee access to the hangar is restricted during your visit.
Whether you arrive by car or aircraft, you will be safely escorted to the viewing area without having to walk through any public areas.
A sales representative, trained in prevention protocols and wearing a mask, will maintain social distancing while answering any questions that you have.
Contact Columbia Aircraft Sales at 800-787-5001 to reserve an appointment for your contactless showing and learn how personal aircraft ownership can allow you to continue your travel adventures, while protecting the health of you and your loved ones. Visit us at