EAA AirVenture 2019
(OSHKOSH, WI – July 24, 2019)
Warming Up EAA Air Venture 2019
Oshkosh started to get into its flow today. Most of the mud had dried, and the usual dust from vehicle and people traffic starting appearing on everything. The exhibitor hangars were more crowded, and the lines for food were long, a good sign that conditions were improved. The Airshow also began falling into its grove. With displays of aerial fire bombers and military aircraft highlighting the afternoon show.
The P82 Twin Mustang fighter made its Oshkosh debut today. Of the original 250 that were built only five still survive. With the success of the P51 in World War II in providing escort to the bomber fleet, the concept behind the P82 was to extend the range of the P51 to over 2000 miles, thus giving the fleet additional protection. But the aircraft came too late in World War II to be put into widespread service. P82 became a high altitude test platform for the National Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) the predecessor to NASA in the late 1940’s before retirement.
The Viking Water Bomber and the KC-130 both showing their ability to precisely dump thousands of gallons of water on low passes over the flight line.
There was some feedback from yesterday’s post about the close up of the pilot in the F35. That photo was taken while the F35 was on a low pass and then cropped in to capture the cockpit. Here is another example of the same technique this time showing the original photo of the F22 and then the crop Maybe I could get the pilot to wave next time?
The airshow ended, as it does most afternoons with the Heritage Flight. It is awe-inspiring to see decades of Air Force aircraft flying together in formation. It is also a great way to compare form to the function of the participants in this afternoon’s formation.
Today’s Heritage Flight included the P51, F35, F22 and A10. There would be no safe place on the ground or in the air for a “bad guy” with this formation in the air!
Another great day at the airshow. But I guess even a bad day of weather at an airshow is better than a good day of weather at work.
Look forward to speaking again tomorrow.