Oshkosh 2018 – The Classics

oshkosh 2018

After a few Oshkosh’s its not uncommon to see the same aircraft in the spotlight from one year to the next.  This happens for two reasons. First, the number of these aircraft is very small.  Second, these are aircraft that have won recognition for the restoration and upkeep efforts of their owners.  In an era of ADS-B, satphones and flying the magenta GPS course it is easy to lose sight of the path that got us here.  This is why a visit to the classics area of Oshkosh is so important.  The owners of these aircraft wear many hats. Balancing their real world career (which allows them to pursue their passion) they must also be flexible enough to deal with the unique challenges that restoring an aircraft that could be 80+ years old brings.  While fully conversant in 21st Century aviation they speak the “ancient” language of aviation gone by.  A conversation with even one of these classic masters is well worth a trip to Oshkosh.

In no particular order of preference here are a few of my favorites.  The Fairchild 71 and its panel (above); TravelAir;  Cessna C170; Beech Staggerwing; Aeronca; Howard; Spartan; Piper Vagabond and the Fairchild 24.
oshkosh 2018
oshkosh 2018 oshkosh 2018 oshkosh 2018 oshkosh 2018 oshkosh 2018 oshkosh 2018 oshkosh 2018 oshkosh 2018

Choosing what to include is ofter harder than taking the photos. There were many other aircraft that well deserve to be seen. However, let that be my challenge to you. If I can whet your appetite enough to make the journey you will not regret it.

Fly safe.


Ken Dono
Sales Manager
