Oshkosh 2021!
(GROTON, CT – August 24, 2021) Oshkosh – EAA Airventure 2021 was a rousing success, with over 600,000 in attendance throughout the week and a record number of aircraft visiting and on display. The exhibitor buildings and display grounds were full of activity as OEM’s, aftermarket suppliers, and aviation service providers all demonstrated and promoted their wares. Daher’s booth was steady with visitors from day one onward, having both a TBM 940 and a Kodiak 100 on display for the masses. Daher, a long time sponsor of the daily airshows at EAA Airventure, continued to have their premium location right on the main street of the flight line just south of Boeing Plaza, affording unrestricted views of the daily flight displays and aerobatics while visitors coursed through the booth.
For clients and close contacts of Daher manufacturing and its distributors, daily there was VIP lunch and snacks available along with upper deck viewing of the airshow and EAA grounds. After hours activities at the TBM compound back in Camp Scholler provided continuing good cheer and camaraderie with TBM owners, TBMOPA, Daher staff, and the Daher distributors long into the evenings.
If you are a TBMOPA member and would like to attend Airventure some day, give strong consideration to renting an RV trailer for the duration of your stay and enjoy the companionship of like-minded TBM aviators as you camp out at the world’s biggest airshow. Its a blast! TBM interest at the show was pronounced, being a class leader in so many parameters and columns. Chris and Clay came away with several strong leads that are looking to have impact.
Demand for general aviation flying solutions is high and supply continues to be limited on both the new and pre-owned spectrums. If you are interested in making a purchase please don’t hesitate to reach out and start the conversation early. If you are considering upgrading out of your current aircraft we would be distinctly interested in discussing a trade-in. Our brokerage and buy-out services are available as well if an exit is more suited. We look forward to seeing you at EAA Airventure 2022 if you plan to be there. Its the greatest show “off the earth” and we can not wait to go back!