Sun n’ Fun – Military Showcase

Sun n’ Fun – Military Showcase
Let’s face it, we’re all airplane junkies. We say we love going to airshows to see the latest in aviation gadgets and to be among others who feel the same. After all who doesn’t like a wrist GPS that not only tells you where you are but where you got lost and how to navigate to the next Starbucks using Victor Airways. Or perhaps it’s the new noise reduction headset so quiet you can hear the neurons in your brain fire in excitement as you put it on. And for sure we go to airshows for the culinary experience found only at such events (this is a topic unto itself and deserves a blog of its own).
But the reality is we go to airshows to look at, be close to and surround ourselves with airplanes. I’ll for sure get myself in trouble for this but I’ll go out on a limb and say that the majority of us go to airshows to see military aircraft. There is something special about these aircraft touch us on many levels. They are nostalgic yet futuristic. We are in awe of their technological innovations yet we understand where they came from. They appeal to our national pride and satisfy our hidden dream of being Tom Cruise in Top Gun buzzing the tower.
For the airplane junkie in us all, find below a few of my favorites. I hope you enjoy.
Despite the afternoon clouds it was a great day for an airshow. The weather for Sunday looks marginal at best. Even in its abbreviated format I don’t think there will be much flying. Tomorrow will be the better day. Until Then, Fly Safe!

Sales Manager